You may have heard a lot about GonnaGetWed, or bridal shows in general. There is a chance you may be on the fence about attending one. Here are a few reasons why you may be someone who shouldn’t attend a bridal show.

1. You HATE free things and discounts. They’re not for everyone. I mean, who would like winning free stuff from Vendors? Don’t even get me started on all the tasty food samples.

2. You don’t like fun. Vendors’ Booths often have different games (and prizes) along with other entertainment for you as you pass the booth.

3. If you don’t want an easy wedding planning experience, I highly suggest you NOT attend the GonnaGetWed Bridal Showcase! This is understandable. Why would you want to browse all the vendors you need in one location when you could search for hours upon hours for them on the internet? Or drive around town for days on end visitng each shop? Getting to know your vendors in person before booking could provide you with a much more personable, unique experience. It also helps you determine whether it is someone you actually want to do business with.

4. If you aren’t open minded. Okay this one we might actually be serious about. If you can’t walk into the doors with an open mind, then a bridal show might not be for you. Sure there will be things you already have ideas about, but who is to say you can’t change your mind when new things you love come about? Our shows provide creative inspiration, and could give you the extra ‘nudge’ in the right direction you are looking for. Heck, Pinterest only gets us SO far!

All jokes aside, we hope to see you at our shows. A new season is upon us! October 22, 2017 & January 21, 2018. See you there! 

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