27 Spectacular #Wedding Cake Ideas. To see more: http://www.modwedding.com/2013/09/27/27-spectacular-wedding-cake-ideas/ #weddingcake #weddingcakesCakes are an elegant, iconic part of the traditional wedding…but they’re also really expensive. If you desire that extra touch of class at your reception but want to save some cash, here’s one economical idea in 3 easy steps:

  1. Fake it—Some brides choose to have a cake made of Styrofoam for their centerpiece. The foam is decorated just like a normal cake, but nobody is the wiser. Be sure to replace a wedge of the foam with actual cake so you can still pose for the photo opp.
  2. Let them eat cake (not foam)—Wheel that fake cake back to the kitchen (for “cutting”) and serve less expensive, store-bought sheet cakes that are decorated similarly to your fake wedding cake.  A catering service will likely charge a cutting fee for this, between $.50 and $3 per guest.
  3. Consider alternatives- Think outside the box for your wedding dessert. Cake pops or cupcakes are often more economical than one big cake and can be decorated to look as extravagant as a wedding cake.

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