Outdoor, summer weddings. There’s beautiful scenery, the sounds and smells of nature, and the carefree attitude that accompanies everyone’s favorite season. What’s not to love? Plenty.

When you consider the relentless sun beating down on you and your guests and the unbearable humidity that seems to render any makeup useless…a summer wedding seems like a horrible idea. But if you take steps to prevent the annoyances that accompany this sunny season, summer can be the perfect time for your dream wedding.

Choose makeup and hair wisely – Take simple steps on your makeup and hair to keep yourself looking fresh all day. Layer your makeup so it last longer, and use moisture-absorbing powder on your face and body. It’s also a good idea to find makeup products that are design specifically to withstand outside elements such as heat or moisture. For your hair, make sure to also choose a style that fits the weather. In the summer months, an up-do is always best. With the hair out of your face, you’ll stay cool and fresh. Plus, you won’t have to worry as much about possible frizz due to humidity.

Wear lightweight fabric – Think twice before you buy a wedding gown made of heavy or thick material. The thicker the fabric, the more likely that you’ll overheat. Besides, these types of dresses often look out of place in outdoor atmospheres such as the beach or woods. Make sure to choose one with a summer friendly look as well as fabric.

Hydrate – It is extremely important that everyone in the wedding party drink plenty of water, since you’ll be on your feet for most of the day. Even though they’ll be seated, guests should also stay hydrated. So make sure there are bottles of water available for them at all times.

Choose the right favors – In addition to water, make sure to give your guests favors like sunscreen, fans, flip-flops, or even parasols or hats. These heat-friendly gifts are great ways for you to ward off unwanted sun or high temperatures and will keep everyone cool and happy.

Utilize shade and wind – When choosing your venue, ask yourself how shade and wind play into the location. Will there be shade during the time of day of your ceremony? Is there a way to incorporate fans in the venue décor? These are important questions to ask, as shade and wind are the biggest factors in the comfort of you and your guests. If shade isn’t available at your location, ask the venue manager to include tents or patio umbrellas. You’ll have some cranky guests if you don’t offer them a place to cool off.

Timing – Avoid the scorching sun of midday summer and schedule your ceremony later in the day. The sun’s rays won’t be as strong, so even if the temperature is high your guests won’t bake under the hot sun. Also, plan to keep your ceremony short. That way, guests can retreat to the shade immediately afterward without missing any of the special moments.

Photo by GonnaGetWed.com member: Studio 5 Photography.

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